To release the sequel of the classic Point’N’Click quest five years after the release of the original-only Germans are capable of this today. But what a quest and what Germans! Studio Animation Arts In tandem s FusionSphere Systems I made two parts Secret Files, And them Lost Horizon became one of the most important and exciting quests of 2010. Therefore, many, I am sure, were glad after five years later to meet with his main character, the former British military Fenton Paddok.
Fenton Jones
True, both Paddok himself and the atmosphere of the game have changed somewhat. First Lost Horizon Something reminiscent of “Indiana Jones” in the format of a classic quest. Everything was done here according to the same recipes. The case took place in the 30s of the last century. Leaving military service behind him, Fenton Paddok turned into a charming, but not too successful smuggler and treasure hunter. He traveled around the world, including Tibet, India, Hong Kong and Marrakesh, to find the legendary Shambhala, to stop the Nazis trying to create superweapies, and most importantly, to charm his companion.
And all this was flavored with humor, irony, romance and stormy imagination of the authors who made us use the surrounding objects: for example, to rush pumpkins at Messerschmitta and set fire to, sorry, pooking a mountain goat, having previously put them in a pateophone.
Fathers and daughters
So, in Lost Horizon 2 Only at first glance it seems that nothing has changed. For nothing that the action was postponed to the 40th-50th, and the place of mythical Shambhala took the no less legendary city of Asgard, as well as the Scandinavian gods and their powerful artifacts. We still travel around the world (this time on the Egyptian – Berlin -Moscow – Scandinavia tour program), we are faced with insidious Nazis (now no less insidious representatives of the KGB have joined them) and spoil their plans for the inappropriate use of the powerful artifacts of antiquity.
Yes, and Paddok seems to be the same macho: here he secretly penetrates the fortified military base, here he runs out of captivity, but rushes on a motorcycle in the company of a pretty blonde, dodging the oncoming vehicles and bombs falling from the sky ..
But actually in Lost Horizon 2 Everything is more serious and even more tragic. Our hero works for British intelligence, sees the death of his comrades, he is abducted by a daughter, who then has to be saved a couple of times from death. And in the end, we even get the opportunity to change the past so that the two girls do not see how dad is killing before their eyes. In general, despite a certain visit of the plot (again mythical artifacts, the Nazis, and now also a “bloody gabnya”), this story is able to surprise and touch.
Classic adventure
The change of atmosphere was reflected in the gameplay. We still control different heroes, sometimes we even switch between them, solve objective riddles and puzzles, participate in mini-games. But in general, there are much less humor and unusual use of things. Everything is somehow traditionally and seriously, or something: grease a rusty lock with oil, put one long one from two short boards, distract the butler, preventing him from getting into the house, turn the valve with a wrench, send a radiogram using an azbuka mordice, and so on.
Much more often than in the first part, we are engaged in classic quest exercises: we repair all kinds of mechanisms, decipher the code locks and mysterious signs, correctly arrange all kinds of runes and symbols … It is good or bad – here is a thing of taste. Someone loves hotter and more fun, and someone is smarter and more gentle.
Besides periodically Lost Horizon 2 All the same, it includes the “Indiana Jones”. We have already talked about a dashing trip on a motorcycle, and sometimes we are forced to play stealth or run a timer so that in the allotted time we have managed to escape from a burning building.
But what really did not like is the need to clamp and pull the mouse, as in the series Penumbra, To open the door or table box, turn the valve or phone disk. In measured horror, she seemed logical, but here she looks frankly superfluous.
Lost Horizon 2 – A very successful sequel, albeit with some reservations. Studio Animation Arts again made a diverse adventure quest, where there was a place of action, drama, classic mysties, and elements of other genres.
Pros: An interesting plot with unexpected turns;bright characters;successfully woven action and stealth elements.
Cons: There are few fiction in riddles;Many of them are repeated;sluggish voice acting.
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